Jacksonville Pro Weekend Recap

Thursday afternoon….flew the hour up to Jacksonville. Met up with fellow competitor, Andrea Dumon, and we rode to the hotel together. Picked up our ‘goodie bags’ (which was full of sweets and snacks!) and got myself settled in my room. Called home and talked to my daughter to ask how her field trip to the water park went. She was a bit upset about me leaving when I tucked her in the night before. It pulls at my heartstrings to know I’m the cause of her tears. Hurts even more because I could see she tried to hold them back and be a ‘big girl’….my brave baby….   

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Spent the rest of the evening just chilling and drinking – I mean, thinking. It’s a nice change of pace from the hustle and bustle of laundry, groceries, cooking, errands, and mommy duty. Peaceful. I can think uninterrupted…which isn’t always a good thing, but the quiet time is nice. I tend to overthink things, which left me a little sad. It’s been a crazy year, full of change and unchartered waters…still don’t know where this ship is headed. Here I go thinking again…where’s the friggin’ on/off switch?…gotta stop this. I have a show to focus on.

It’s now Friday and I put on my final coat of ‘tan’ and I’m as dark as this wood desk that I’m typing at. 

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Good golly molly, call it JanTana or call it ProTan – I call it “Armpit In A Can”. This stuff stinks worse than the jockstraps and armpits of a football team after a hot summer day of practice (it’s just an assumption, folks. I’ve never sniffed either, nor do I care to. Really). So I’m just sitting around, waiting, relaxing with my feet up. Our judging isn’t until 6pm.

Okay, pre-judging is done and it didn’t go as well as I had hoped, but I’m okay with it. I’m happy with how I looked so I can honestly say that I’m okay with the judges preferences. This is me and that’s how I roll ..lol…how I looked for this show is exactly how I wanted to look. There were a lot of people whom I haven’t seen in awhile and it was nice to catch up and also make some new friends.

Had all of Saturday afternoon to spend doing a lot of nothing, which was fine by me! Andrea and I went to eat at Fridays the the night before and I was nursing some wicked indigestion and a headache. Money well spent.  🙂

Saturday night finals was uneventful. I still had a helluva stomachache from the crap I ate (okay, and continued eating even after I got back to the hotel….damn goodie bag!)

A bunch of us went to Cheesecake Factory afterwards, where I made a gluttonous spectacle of myself again, while Andrea ‘Dangerous Dumon” had ‘just one bite’. Prior to this weekend, she and I didn’t know each other very well, but it turns out we have a lot in common. Her year probably rivals mine in terms of drama, change and life experiences. We laughed a lot over the weekend and I’m glad to have found a new friend in her.

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Most of us flew out the next day (Sunday), including myself. My daughter had a birthday party to attend at noon, so it was straight to the party from the airport…..Okay, birthday cake and pizza!!!

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 I posted a bunch of candid pics over on my photojournal, which you can link to here. http://afitnessconnection.wordpress.com/ – under Lil’ Miss Chris *PHOTOJOURNAL*.  The Jacksonville weekend coverage begins on Thursday 7/31, and continues on Friday 8/1 and Saturday 8/2.

Okay, what to write next time….? Let me stock back up on my Smirnoff Triple Black XXX and think on it. I’ve got some good ideas about FRIENDS and relationships. Uh-huh, that’s right – you know who I’m talkin’ about, sucka! 😉  However, right now I am bringing my daughter to go swimming at my parents condo. They live in a senior community. I hope I don’t cause too much commotion in my swimsuit, dark orange tinted skin, with protruding muscles, and veins like a roadmap. …heeheehee….

~ by lilmisschris on August 4, 2008.

One Response to “Jacksonville Pro Weekend Recap”

  1. Terrific reflections Chris. Hope you don’t mind if I use them as voice over narrative in the backstage show coverage of the show? Happy to get to know you a bit more from your journal.

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