Cougars, MILFS, & the Half Plus Seven Rule

I’ve been sitting here staring at my laptop, getting a nice screentan glow, wondering what to write about. Well, f*ck it. I’ve had a long weekend and my slinky’s kinked. So I’m just going to babble on about nothing in particular until I hit upon a topic that grabs my ass in a good way….                 

 Okay, speaking of ass grabbing – has anyone ever heard of the “Half-Your-Age-Plus-Seven” rule? It’s the rule that defines how young a romantic interest should be before the relationship is considered indecent. (example- 40-year old Lori waited patiently until Steven turned 27, fullfilling the half-your-age-plus-seven rule, before she pursued him romantically.)
Well, personally, I think that rule makes about as much sense as cloning cockroaches.
Men have been dating and marrying women a ‘fraction-of their-age-plus-zero‘ since the beginning of time. Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones, 25 years age difference. Anna Nicole Smith and J. Howard Marshall, 63 years difference! Therefore, I’m going to assume that this rule was invented by some jealous weasel-licker when the Demi’s, Cameron’s, Halle’s and other Hollywood cougars landed their prey.So where should one draw the line on age difference? I say if a man/boy is old enough to go to war and vote, he oughtta be able to have a menage’ trois with his grandma’s bridge partners, if he so chooses.
As long as the two individuals involved are both consenting adults (though being at least drinking age is a plus, seeing as alcohol is usually involved), and they enjoy each other’s company, then where is the issue? The level of emotional maturity perhaps? One of the hottest m.i.l.f. bitches I know, just celebrated her 44th birthday with her 28 year-old husband and their one-year old son by her side. Rock on, girlfriend, rock on!
I chose this topic because I recently hurt the feelings of a young man who wanted more than I was willing to offer, and this weighed heavily on my conscience.
(fade in the dramatic music…)
As the more mature person, was it my responsibility to protect him from being hurt? Should I not even have gone there? The conclusion I came to was this – yes, I hurt his feelings. That sucks. However, I was completely upfront and honest from the get-go. When I realized that, emotionally,  he was speeding down a dead-end street, I cut him loose immediately. I did so in a mature fashion, with the insightfulness and tact that comes from age and experience. He could have been just as easily hurt had he been dumped by a girl his own age. However, he probably would have had to deal with a crapload of drama and hysterics as well. I don’t believe the outcome had anything to do with me being the “older and wiser” involved partner because I have also experienced a similar situation on the flipside not too long ago.
Breaking the bonds of emotional attachment suck like a Hoover either side you’re on, at any age. I will chalk this up as another learning experience in a life full of them.
So here’s to you, Mrs. Robinson.
Anyone else have a similar experience to share? Opinions and comments are more than welcome.
Ciao for now!
Miss Chris  
                      cougarad-1.jpg picture by christine_wan


  *update 7/18/2008*  BREAKING NEWS!!!! We’ve added something new! Check out my DAILY PHOTO JOURNAL! I’ll be shooting and uploading new pictures everyday – random stuff, self-taken timer pics, candids, things of interest… (you know how us Asians are about taking pictures!). Along with this being good photography practice for myself, you can now catch a glimpse into my day-to-day life…A Day In The Life Of…as seen through the lens of my camera…click here to get there…  – category title, Lil’ Miss Chris *PHOTO JOURNAL* 

~ by lilmisschris on March 31, 2008.

15 Responses to “Cougars, MILFS, & the Half Plus Seven Rule”

  1. I’m not sure I’d ever be able to have a menage’ trois with some grandma’s bridge partners, but I’d certainly be OK with Mrs. Robinson 🙂

    I think everyone with a bit of a pulse has had such an experience in their lives or had faced the possibility of one. People get hurt all the time and that’s more to do with circumstances and one’s emotional state than with biological age.

    Me, being a guy, I can say that twice I skipped a romantic relationship because of an age difference – they were too young, or so I wrongly thought… they were of legal age, though, LOL.

    Looking back, I can say that was a mistake since maturity and compatibility are not one-to-one mathematical functions to one’s biological age. It is not something I regret, but it is something that I’ve used to better my judgment.

    Nice article. People get hurt all the time – it’s all about how we take it, and about how to look the world for what it is and not the way we want it to be.

  2. I love it. Luis is right, people get hurt all the time and when your dealing with such a young age at heart and mind they tend to be a little more sensitive. Trust me he will get over it and you did the right thing, so be it ,you hurt his feelings but thank g-d you did it now! What if you were with him for a couple years and he fell in love? Then he might have went nutso on you!

  3. Thanks for the comments, guys!
    There is only one thing more painful than learning from experience, and that is NOT learning from experience.

  4. One time I was dating this girl who was a lot older than me. I was 18 she was 26.
    anyways when we started dating it was great. Obviously the sex was amazing and she was in heaven, me being in my prime. Long story short I had to break it off because just like you we were in two seperate places in our life. I was free and fun and she was tie down and lets get preggers! wow!

  5. At this stage in my life, I would rather be pecked to death by chickens before getting tied down and pregnant.

    Thanks for sharing, Mike! 🙂

  6. My wife is 1.5 years older than me, not really a huge difference, but is not an issue for me. I know when ‘younger folk’ hear this kind of idea, it’s almost seen as a sin. But I have learned being happy is more important than anything.

    and are you sure crapload is one word?

    That post is classic Chris….half plus your age plus seven. Chris that would make the guy 19…please tell me you didn’t follow the rule. 😉

  8. Rick, you’re awesome, but you’re math sucks!

  9. Mark Twain once wrote about experience… if I remember correctly her said, “Good judgement comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgement.” Haha, I dig that.

    When I was 20 I dated a 30 year old (a similar situation to Mike). Awesome sex, and it was over in after a few months. It all depends on where your head is at, not where your age is at.

    Nice post. 🙂

  10. I tend to stick to my personal rule of my age plus or minus 3 years, 4 is justifiable. Every situation is different though.

    Love the blog, Chris. Will have to bookmark *^^*

  11. You go girl! Love the picture at the bottom. 1968, huh? You look unbelievable and are a true inspiration.

  12. All I can say is, to be ravaged by someone like you (and to ravage and worship every inch back) would be amazing. I would really have to box my heart off in a corner tho and let my body take over 😀

    As for emotional attachment, I think emotionally and chemically bonding with someone is a natural, biological part of sexual intimacy and only people who are experienced at enjoying sex while remaining emotionally detached can pull it off smoothly. Be gentle with your boy toys! xoxo

  13. Wait wait…you actually went out with a younger guy? Then there is A CHANCE….! lol

  14. I can absolutely understand your position re older woman and younger man; it will be a wonderful experience for him even if it doesn’t last, and a lot of fun for you! The emotional hurt will heal. At 40 I had a beauiful relationship with a girl of 19. It was sweet and lovely and lasted a year and a bit. She even thanked me for the fun she’d had, then married a man only 6 years younger than me….Well, to be in the presence of lively and intelligent beauty is intoxicating, whatever the age! I also had a relationship with someone half my age (then 61). It lasted 8 years and we are still close friends as she is with my children (of her age). Am I a pervert? I just love women; however I would have a problem with someone who looks like my aunt(for sexual purposes that is! She would be about 120 now, but you know what I mean..). However this may be due to deeply ingrained neuroses from way back – I’m not going there. I’m sure you enjoy your life and long may it continue – ‘carpe diem’

  15. PS: Hi Chris – what’s a MILF? If you were born in 1968 you are a Monkey! Oh yes…all awake at midnight just when we want to go to sleep!

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